Thursday, December 6, 2012

Final Exam Update

As you know our final exam is scheduled for Thursday 12/27. Since most of the class has expressed the desire for the exam to be scheduled earlier, I have decided to offer the final exam online via Blackboard. This link will take you to the portal: You then want to click on the link titled Direct Access to Blackboard. If you have not used Blackboard before, you will most likely need to register with the site. On the first webpage I have directed you to there are various links and PDF files explaining how to gain access to Blackboard and to our ENG 125 course. Over this weekend I want each of you to test your Blackboard access. Be sure that you can view our ENG 125 course and the pending final exam which can be accessed via a folder labeled "125 (PQ1/RQ1) Final Exam - F12" on the left-hand sidebar. If you have difficulties, search the aforementioned links and documents, and the various Help pages. Should you still experience difficulties, inform me via email or in person and we'll troubleshoot things accordingly.

Very importantly, the final exam will be available to you for only 30 hours; it will open on Wednesday, 12/19, at 12:00pm and will close on Thursday, 12/20, at 6:00pm. For your convenience, you may access the exam via our Blackboard course while on campus or at home. Choose an appropriate time to take the exam, because you only have one chance to do so. That is, once you begin the test you must complete it in one sitting! Upon starting the exam you will gain access to the second, shorter reading. You will then have two hours to read the shorter reading and write your essay in the test area on Blackboard. Due to the time limit, be sure to begin the exam no later than 4pm on Thursday, 12/20! Note that your essay will be automatically submitted when the two-hour time limit expires. This is in order to recreate the exact test conditions that would exist in the classroom.

I have included vital documents pertaining to the final exam here. Please be sure to download and print them so that you are adequately prepared. Should you have questions regarding anything contained within this message, send me an email or speak with me in person and I will address them accordingly.

Independent Study Questions
Pre-Exam Instructions for Students
Long Reading for Final Exam

(#9) Timed Exam Observations

What are three things you have found that are most important when taking a timed, handwritten essay exam? (Due 12/11)