Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Updated Class Schedule & Essay #3 Rubric

Hello All,

Below you will find the updated and revised schedule for the remainder of the semester. This revision can also be found on the Schedule, Readings, & Rubrics page. You will notice that the College has added two make-up meetings for the lost instructional days on Tue 10/30 and Thurs 11/1. We will also make-up the lost instructional day on Tue 11/6 via an additional e-journal assignment over the upcoming weekend. Please see e-journal #8 post below for more details.

I have also included a link to the Rubric for Essay #3 below. Please view this document as soon as possible. I will provide paper copies as we review this rubric in class tomorrow.

Please note that the exact plans for the final exam are still being sorted out by the College. As soon as I know the date and time of our final exam, you will all be informed.
Questions? Email me.

See you tomorrow in class!

T 11/13

: Essay #1 Revision Due
: handout Barnes, "A Privacy Paradox: Social Networking in the United States"
: Albrechtslund, "Online Social Networking as Participatory Surveillance"
: Peer-edit of Essay #2

R 11/15
: BH, p.482-487 – Avoiding Plagiarism

: Essay #3 Rubric
: Barnes, "A Privacy Paradox: Social Networking in the United States"
: e-journal #8: Over the weekend, produce and post a draft introductory paragraph to the third formal essay assignment. Be sure to include an argumentative thesis statement that clearly identifies three problems which arise from social networking usage in the United States, as well as one solution to any or all of these emergent issues. Use at least two of the three authors from this unit as support in your paper. Please bring a printed copy of this e-journal to class on Tuesday. (Due 11/20)

T 11/20
: Review – Braden, Albrechtslund, Barnes
: BH, p.379-387, 392-400 – Punctuation
: in-classBH, p.382ff, Ex. 34-1 & 34-2; p.386f, Ex. 35-1; p.398ff, Ex. 37-1 & 37-2

R 11/22 – Su 11/25

: College Closed – Thanksgiving Recess

Weeks Fourteen – Seventeen :: Preparation for the Final Exam

T 11/27
: Essay #3 Due – bring two extra copies of your document to class to perform a peer-edit!

: Written Exams & General Test-Taking Skills

: handout – Final Essay Exam Rubric
: handout – Article #1 for Practice Exam #1 

R 11/29

: Student Discussions on Article #1
: Meetings with Prof. D'Amato

T 12/4

: Essay #2 Revision Due
: Practice Exam #1
: handout – Article #2 for Practice Exam #2

R 12/6
: Student Discussions on Article #2
: Meetings with Prof. D'Amato

T 12/11
: Peer-edit of Practice Exam #1
: e-journal #9: What are three things you have found that are most important when taking a timed, handwritten essay exam? (Due 12/6)

R 12/13
: Make-Up Day (11/1)
: Practice Exam #2

T 12/18
: Make-Up Day (10/30)
: Essay #3 Revision Due 
: Peer-edit of Practice Exam #2

: in-class e-journal #10: Identify some trends in your fellows writing and your own that reoccurred during the peer-edit. What are some areas which need improvement? How might these "problems" be solved in the future? How might they be prevented during the final exam?

Final Exam – Date & Time TBA

(#8) Intro Paragraphs for Essay #3

Over the weekend, produce and post a draft introductory paragraph to the third formal essay assignment. Be sure to include an argumentative thesis statement that clearly identifies three problems which arise from social networking usage in the United States, as well as one solution to any or all of these emergent issues. Use at least two of the three authors from this unit as support in your paper.

Please bring a printed copy of this e-journal to class on Tuesday. (Due 11/20)

Friday, November 9, 2012

(#7) Who Watches the Watchmen?

After reading Braden and Albrechtslund, consider any questions presented in the following prompt when responding: Many would argue that the Internet is merely another window through which the public may be spied upon by “big government” or by secret agencies. Do you feel that Braden and Albrechtslund share a similar argument regarding this issue? According to these authors, and in your opinion, what are the weakest points (literally, sites) of the Internet? What are some potential results of the Internet’s ability to replicate and publish information? Do you feel that you participate in citizen-surveillance? Do you contribute to content on the web? If so, what kind? What aspect of the Internet are you most wary about? Use at least two, properly cited textual examples in your response. (Due 11/13)

Monday, November 5, 2012

Post-Post-Hurricane Update

As you may already know, the College has cancelled classes tomorrow, Tuesday 11/6, due to the fact that there are still many hurricane evacuees being housed on campus. I will continue to keep you informed, but be sure to check the College website for updates daily for when classes will officially resume.

In lieu of the fact that we've missed the last three class meetings. I would like for you all to follow these homework instructions so that you will be prepared for when we reconvene.

1) Have Braden read and annotated for our next meeting, and begin reading the Albrechtslund text too.

2) Complete and post your response to e-journal #6 by class time on Thursday.

3) Bring three copies of your paper to our next meeting.

If you have questions please email me. I hope everyone is doing well.


(#6) Tech Test

Spend the next few days being a bit more aware about your social internet usage, via your computer, your phone, or otherwise. Describe in detail what you are typically doing when you visit one of these sites. How many hours a day do you spend on social sites? Are you a multitasker too? Do you feel that face-to-face interaction is at risk of becoming obsolete, or do you believe that social ties are becoming stronger via new, electronic mediums? (Due 11/8)